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Board of Director's Resolutions

Policy & Procedure

Not all changes to policies that govern our community require an amendment to the governing documents. The Board of Directors has the authority to create rules that regulate the operation of the association and the use of the common areas. The governing documents and the Florida Statues set the scope of that authority.

Trash & Recycling

Adopted 07/10/2020. This resolution enhances the language in Section 11.7 of the Declaration by establishing a window for when trash and recycling containers can be placed curbside. Containers used for municipal solid waste collection shall be placed curbside no earlier than 5pm of the day prior to the scheduled pick-up date and then properly stored no later than 12pm the following day.

Vehicle Registration

Adopted 09/21/2020. This resolution requires that all residents register their vehicles with the association within 60-days. New owners and tenants must register within 30-days of signing a deed or lease agreement. Vehicles can be registered online at

Electronic Voting

Adopted 01/18/2021. A resolution allowing for the use of electronic voting for any matter that requires a vote of the members, including board elections.

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